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Welcome to the department of English, Kishoreganj University

Message From Chairman

With great pleasure, I welcome you to the Department of English at Kishoreganj University. Though our university is in its formative years, our department has already established itself as a vibrant hub of academic discourse, intellectual curiosity, and scholarly excellence.
Our commitment lies in fostering a dynamic learning environment where students engage with literature, language, and culture through critical inquiry and creative expression. With a well-rounded curriculum, research opportunities, and mentorship from accomplished faculty, we ensure that our students develop strong analytical, communication, and professional skills.
As we continue to grow, we remain dedicated to nurturing an inclusive academic community where diverse perspectives thrive and ideas flourish. I invite you to embark on this enriching journey with us and explore the endless possibilities that studying English offers.


Md. Rakibul Alam


Department of English

The Department of English aims to spread versatile knowledge about topics related to literature, language, and other branches of liberal arts. The students of this department are supposed to commit themselves to lifelong learning in these disciplines. The faculty pool, consisting of scholars from multiple universities, is dedicated to utilize the updated pedagogical skills to initiate critical and creative insights in young minds. The department equally emphasizes literature and language. Alongside, it believes in multidisciplinary approaches that involve other disciplines of arts, sociology, economy, politics, history, ethics, psychology, media, cultural studies, etc. The department nurtures the basic communication skills, develops academic and professional writing, and encourages research in vast areas of knowledge. The students learn how to improve their personal, professional, and social life.

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